Monday, October 22, 2007

I Want To See Its Guts!

What makes it tick?

  • Ruby On Rails
    • acts_as_rateable - basic rating system extended for use with our app
    • acts_as_taggable_on_steroids - tagging system
    • exception_notification - allows the app to email us whenever a user encounters an error
    • has_many_friends - allows users to have friends, sets up the relationships needed
    • permalink_fu - adding permalinks to the business model to allow pretty urls
    • restful_authentication - basic REST style authentication
    • will_paginate - a replacement for the inbuilt pagination which has been extended to work with all models and plugins / generators used
    • Basic searching system (would like to update to a cacheing version - less load on the server)
    • RESTful routes
  • Valid XHTML 1.0 Strict
  • Valid CSS
  • A little bit of AJAX-y goodness

Friday, October 19, 2007

Go And Rate is up and running and we want all of you to go and become a member so you can rate some businesses. Also please contact us if you have any queries / suggestions - anything at all. So long, and thanks for all the fish.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Final Presentation

Today was our final project presentation - the presentations have been split up over 2 days and it was good to see that only maybe 10 people showed up for it...

Our presentation was really similar to the prelim presentation in that we covered what we had achieved, discussed the issues that we had and where we thought we could take it from here.

Again, I hope that everyone was impressed by what we have achieved because we certainly are! There were some other great presentations as well and I am really looking forward to October 31st when I can walk around and see everyones projects.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Features List and Friends - Added

Just a quick update - have spent the last weekish solidly working on implementing the Friends and Features List suggestions.

Each user now has their own friends list which can be viewed at your user number /friends - mine for example is From here you are able to see which users have added you as a friend and also remove friends from your list.

If you goto you are able to see all the feaures implemented and rate upcoming features.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Access Denied

Yesterday I lost the ability to run migrations (create / edit / delete tables within a database) - I had it and then I lost it. This was the error: Access denied for user 'mnfb'@'' (using password: YES)... Great...

So I wrote Dreamhost about it and within 24 hours I had a response to my problems (that's impressive) - somewhere along the lines there had been a database user / pass mismatch, fixed it up and it is back to working perfectly :).

Friday, October 12, 2007

Finally... Application Deployed On Dreamhost

Finally, after 15 hours of trial and error, 7 tutorials and many many cuss words - is live!

Come along and signup now for a free account!

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Premlim. Presentation

Woohoo - presentation seemed to go really well. Ralf, Lorna and Petra all seemed to understand and like the idea (which is nice considering the time we have put into it). We also received some really neat comments / suggestions on things that we can improve.

  • Features List - a place where we can inform people about the features introduced thus far and features to come. New and upcoming features can be rated - this will allow us to see which is most popular.
  • Friends List - allow users to become friends which will increase the overall social aspect of the site.
  • Instead of just rating a business, we need to add: rating and reviewing.

All the above mentioned suggestions are implementable - we just need the time. So we will have to see how we go.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

So... What's New?

It's been a little while between posts - we've been busy getting this working along with the 3 other subjects we are doing this semester (one of which can be found here - Social and Mobile). So what has happened in the last 2 weeks - a lot!

  • Add / Edit / Delete Businesses and Users complete
  • Rating system complete
  • Tagging system (business categories) complete
  • Some Administration Features complete

Now there are only a few things left to do until presentation day - deploy to Dreamhost (our server), which I have heard is not an easy task! And some basic error checking - making sure sneaky people don't mess with our database!

Monday, September 10, 2007

Sept 2 - 10

Wow - this has been a really intense last 8 days! So much as happened / happened and been scratched! As with any new application (for me anyway - due to a lack of planning hehe) I had to restart at least once because I tried to do too much to quickly. I was trying to scale up without even a base to work on = disaster.

My first hurdle was working with REST - I have never done RESTful routes before and getting my head around how to use each one properly was hard, but it's for the greater good! Some features that were tried and scratched were 'ferret (full text) searching and paginating, mailers and many different tagging system (polymorph associations)'. All of these were thrown out because I couldn't get them working properly - maybe it was just me (more than likely) or I'd like to think that didn't apply properly to my models ( :) hehe).

So what is there - did I keep anything? Of cause! A basic searching system, users and businesses models, a tagging system and a rating system - all of which are fairly well integrated (working about 75%) so we're hoping to be right on track for presentations in about a month!

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Sexy 'Web2.0' Style Star Rating System

Ok, as our system revolves around rating businesses it is no secret that this part of the site needs to be eye catching and easy to use! So I have scoured all the internets and found one that I'm rather impressed with.

Now ours doesn't have to look exactly like the example, I personally think maybe a change in the rollover color would be nice and bigger stars - bigger is better right? The CSS is fairly complex but oh well - it's workable. Here is the link out - CSS Star Rating Redux » Blog » Komodo Media - please leave comments letting me know what you think :) .

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Designing The System

So it's time to start the coding process - what do we do and where do we go? Well recently I have been playing with Ruby on Rails on a few home projects (Why? Who knows really - I read about and happy it's meant to make the coding process so I thought, "why not?") and thought it would be cool to try it on a full scale app. So it's a rails app working with RESTful routes (my first REST app).

We're gonna need a few tables within a database (mySQL sounds about as good as many for what we want) - one to look after the users information, one to look after business information and a couple for tagging and rating.

I suppose that I could also throw in some "site map-py / relationship diagrams" in here to show the flow of the web site... But they're in a sketch pad at the moment - so will scan them in later.

For now this is it - next post will be a progress update!

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Monday, August 27, 2007

Production Phases

Phase One

Phase one consists of developing a barebones application which allows users to;

  • Users have to be able to signup / login / logout
  • Users have to be able to search for a business
  • Users have to be able to rate and review a business

Phase Two

Phase two consists of creating all the administration features of the app.

  • Administration of Users
  • Administration of Businesses

More phases will come as we develop.


Presentation day was yesterday :) and I seriously thought that we were going to be there for HOURS!!! Every 'group' were allocated 3 minutes but most went for at least 10.... Brendan and I were presenting at number 9, class started at 10 and I think we ended up presenting at around 12.30.

Our presentation went well - we made sure that we only went for the allocated 3 minutes and I'm sure that the the tutors and lecturer appreciated it.

Lorna got back to us with her feedback earlier today. She raised some good questions which are listed below.

  • Have you figured out yet how to get past the critical mass issue?
  • Are there any large social/commercial/community sites that you can use to plug your idea to get a good number of reviews happening?
  • Perhaps the Brisbane group on Facebook?

We have thought of a couple of questions raised but we will have a bit more of a think about it before we announce.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Time Frame

Below is our proposed working schedule.

Weeks 6 - 8
Full blown production - trying to get a working model.
Weeks 8-10
Limited testing (anyone want in?). Working out bugs, adding new features et cetera.
Weeks 10 - 12
Add in finishing touches. Start developing a community. Start writing up all our documentation.

Obviously this plan is very ambitious - we've given ourselves 4 solid weeks of development (including user testing) so it is going to be full on to get it underway.

Just a note - for assignment we can't possibly make a fully fledged / working site. We are hoping to draw up a few 'phases' and decide on a phase to achieve by week 8.

Proposed Project Plan


Who will be using the system?

  • Anyone that uses any types of businesses and has an active interest in online social communities
  • Ages from about 20 plus


What outcomes do we want to achieve?

  • Develop a web app from start to finish
  • Develop an understanding of online social communities
  • Networking / Collaborating with real world people (creators of WeLoveLocal)


The main output of the assignment is going to be: A business review website driven by a social community. The assignment can be broken down into the following...

Fun, Professional social network with commercial objectives
Easy to use, fun, relevant / dynamic, dynamic community
Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats


As of week 6, we have 6 weeks until the assignment is due.
Money / Resources
All we see ourselves needing is a domain name and some server space.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

yes, I know.. i should have given up by now, but I am doing something else on the project as well, as tim soon to follow post will prove. 

I thought of another possible domain name contender today:

If you care about my internal struggle to choose a name; i will soon be posting a new poll (taking away the "what is the name of today" one.) allowing to vote for tim and i's favourite few...

See.. our studio project is already interactive before it even begins...

Tim to follow... 

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Social Website Articles

Just some articles that I have come across about: why social websites fail. At its core - our idea will revolve around a social framework. It relies on users submitting ratings and or reviews so that other users can make an informed decision. Here are the articles...

Yeah they're all from the same site - so it is only a one side argument BUT he raises some valid points so I thought it was worth sharing.

Friday, August 17, 2007

Further naming ideas...

Still searching for a decent name for the project. Have been asking everyone I see if they can think of anything, but to little avail. So I've jumped on the net again and started to thump out as many domains to see if there available.. I thought maybe we could play on the ".biz" suffix.. a little less popular than the .com, so chance we might be able to find something, but also can work as play on words.. heres some... and .net etc.. and .com, .net etc... and .com, .net etc..

these could also work with "decent" instead of good or something to similar meaning..

still trawling.. please help.. anyone???

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Naming Our Applicaion

We're having some troubles naming our application (well we have had a few name that we like, but the url's are taken - and as we're looking to implement this app, we need a name that isn't taken) - any suggestions would be appreciated. Bellow is a list of names that we like (most are taken)., (already taken)
This would be ideal, because searching would look something like...
i need a [ text input field here: business type, eg coffee, mechanic ] in [ text input field here: location, eg Milton, Brisbane City ] (taken)
This name is nice because it encompasses the idea behind the application - businesses get rated and used by word of mouth. ( isn't taken)
This is similar to ineed but available... The one problem that we have with a domain is that we need to actually register a business with the same name - and we're not sure if that is something we want to do just yet. Again, searching would look like:
Find me a [ text input field here: business type, eg coffee, mechanic ] in [ text input field here: location, eg Milton, Brisbane City ]

Here is a continuation of that list, just about anything that we could come up with.


Application Architecture

The following is a list (with definitions, examples and links) of web technologies that I think would be useful within our application.

Ruby On Rails
Ruby on Rails is an open source web framework that's optimized for programmer happiness and sustainable productivity. It lets you write beautiful code by favoring convention over configuration.

Why Ruby on Rails over PHP,, Java etc etc?

Frameworks and languages are really just a personal preference - whatever you feel comfortable using. For my studio 4 assignment I learnt PHP and found that I really liked working with code - I really like making stuff work! I continued working with PHP for another couple of months and enjoyed it a lot (I think I only enjoyed it so much because I didn't know what else was out there...). Over the Xmas break I started hearing a lot about Ruby on Rails, 'sexy code' and AJAX - so I spent the majority of the holidays reading and learning as much as I could (admittedly not much). And during this time I found out that I could actually make web applications a hell of a lot quicker than I could in PHP. You don't have to write database connection and queries - RoR favors convention over configuration... There are some really helpful books on the language but not really (yet) a whole heap of documentation like PHP - so it has been a really steep learning curve for me but I have enjoyed it.

List of Rails links

Web Standards
Web standards is a general term for the formal standards and other technical specifications that define and describe aspects of the World Wide Web. In recent years, the term has been more frequently associated with the trend of endorsing a set of standardized best practices for building web sites, and a philosophy of web design and development that includes those methods. (Web standards - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)

List of Web Standard links

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)
In web development, Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a stylesheet language used to describe the presentation of a document written in a markup language. Its most common application is to style web pages written in HTML and XHTML, but the language can be applied to any kind of XML document, including SVG and XUL. (Cascading Style Sheets - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)
What are microformats? Designed for humans first and machines second, microformats are a set of simple, open data formats built upon existing and widely adopted standards. Instead of throwing away what works today, microformats intend to solve simpler problems first by adapting to current behaviors and usage patterns (e.g. XHTML, blogging). (

Why Microformats?

Microformats are being strongly pushed in the design world at the moment and I have been wanting for a while to implement them but haven't had the chance... I also like the idea of being able to markup text in such a way that a user is able to click on it and it automatically gets added to iCal or Address Book (or Windows equivalents).

List of Microformat links

What Else?

For the moment this is all that I can think of - Brendan will more than likely have something to add.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

A Few Sites

Here are some sites that I have come across on the internets achieve a similar goal to what we wish to accomplish.

Cork'd is an online wine community created by Dan Cederholm and Dan Benjamin. Users are able to rate and share wines with their fellow wine enthusiasts.
As has been previously mentioned - WeLoveLocal - is a site with the same idea in mind (as us) but has been implemented quite a bit differently from what we wish to do. The site is based in London.

So far that's what I have...

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Some ideas...

1:19:15 AM Did you look at that web site I emailed you?
1:20:36 AM yeah
1:20:53 AM its kinda what im going for, but not really
1:21:18 AM I didn't have a good look around... What are you wanting it to do?
1:21:56 AM the same principle
1:22:06 AM but i think theirs is poorly implemented
1:22:16 AM it requires businesses to add their listings
1:22:32 AM And then users vote / rate it?
1:30:36 AM yeah
1:30:39 AM im just having a look again now
1:30:44 AM Same.
1:31:02 AM I like the layout - colors kind of work, but don't really do it for me.
1:31:03 AM see, i want the one we're doing to be entirely user driven
1:31:11 AM not business
1:31:53 AM i mean, if i search for "cafe" near "walthamstow" i get about 10 businesses, only 1 of which is viewed
1:32:02 AM reviewed*
1:32:37 AM I agree that businesses shouldn't have the control - but how does a business get in the system? Like proper spelling, proper contact details, location etc?
1:33:13 AM i want the user to say, have to add and review a business as part of becoming a member, rather than have the business add itself and then just hope that someone actually cares enough to review it later
1:33:48 AM perhaps having the user add the business, but have the system search yellow pages for a matching listing first
1:34:22 AM so say ask the user "business name' and then go did you mean "Bills Cafe" of "213 adelaide street"?
1:36:01 AM That's a good idea. I was just thinking that IF all the businesses in Brisbane were added (just say either through an owner inputting them, pulling them out of the Yellow Pages somehow or user submitted) the default search would be able to ONLY search the businesses that have been rated. Then in the results, have an 'advanced tab' that allows searching all businesses?
1:36:22 AM yeah, that could work
1:36:46 AM see, it just annoys me on that welovelocal site that its just another yellow pages 90% of the time
1:36:49 AM oh i know
1:37:17 AM you could also have your postcode stored as a user, so you can quicksearch kind of thing
1:37:21 AM so you log in to your home page
1:37:22 AM I'm just trying to think of what might be easiest for the user. Because I know I wouldn't want to input all the businesses info for them. I'd like to be able to search them and review it.
1:37:31 AM That's awesome.
1:37:35 AM That would be really neat.
1:38:26 AM and then you have a single search box ready to go... you hungry, so you type "sandwich" and it brings back all the rater sandwich bars in 4066 listed in order for rating...
1:38:59 AM I like it.
1:40:13 AM oh oh oh!
1:40:18 AM and..
1:40:20 AM I like the google map idea though, showing where the street and where on the street it is located. Because then the user doesn't have to go and look up that street (that the cafe they just searched).
1:41:29 AM Oh - an extension of the google map. You could have the users address on the map also, that way they know where they are and where the place they're going to is.
1:41:43 AM And you're oh oh oh! is ?
1:42:22 AM to ensure we get ratings, if the user searches from within their login for a business type like "sandwich" and they click on the highest rated listings say "bills sandwich bar" it could somehow store that so that when they next log in it says "did you visit "bills sandwich bar" in the end? how would you rate it?"
1:42:48 AM Oh nice.
1:43:11 AM That's really nice, then they don't even need to search it. It's just there for them.
1:43:25 AM That's really good.
1:44:21 AM yeah, and it also assists in ensuring we get as many opinions as possible on businesses.. cause with just 1 person rating it, its a good as nothing...
1:46:23 AM I agree fully.
1:49:45 AM Also, how were you thinking of rating business?
1:50:06 AM Just on a global scale? 1 -5, 1 - 10 (whatever).
1:50:12 AM yeah
1:50:20 AM like a star system
1:50:36 AM Or rate globally, or if it's a resturaunt on its service?
1:50:56 AM On the value for money.
1:52:14 AM I was thinking that a global start system for search results would work best, BUT also being able to review specific things for example service, meal presentation, waiting times etc etc.
1:52:25 AM well.. i think both yeah
1:52:44 AM giving the option to give detail, or quick review
1:54:09 AM Options I think will be the main 'feature'. I think the ability to rate it just globally and saying why will work really well, but for someone who REALLY enjoyed it or really hated it - them being able to express that in more depth would be good.
1:54:59 AM and then having say quick reviews having half the weight on the average score would be a good way to ensure a balanced guide
1:55:30 AM i think having the option to not even have to say why would be perfect
1:56:31 AM That would be ideal.. But I would like to know why they thought it was worth 5 stars. Or why it was worth 2.
1:57:11 AM just "did you end up going to "x"? how was it?" and having the option to click a star... will encourage people to use it... but also have a mouse over for "tell us more.." so they can comment and rate on more detail...
1:57:59 AM I think that concept that you have been describing will work REALLY well.
1:59:59 AM i think primarily people will want to use this service to get quick info out of it... not necessarily spend too much time blogging about all their encounters for that day... but yeah, likeyou said... if its a way more or less than average experience with a particular business, people will want the option to give lots of info, and i think that should have a much stronger bearing on what the overall rating that business gets
2:00:56 AM Sounds neato. I like it.

And welcome to the Blog for Tim and Brendan's Studio 6 Project. We have decided to work together on this one again, due to the scale of the project we are intending to undertake.

As a background, our project is intended to be a website portal, designed to allow those visiting to rate their encounters with businesses in the real world. These ratings are then used to determine which are good, average and bad businesses, to allow other visitors using the site to decide on which businesses they want to use, emulating the "word of mouth" culture of the real world.

Through looking around, Tim has managed to find one example of a similar project currently on the net: . This portal is set up for the london community, and utilises some of the functions we'd like to include, but many we'd rather wouldn't.

More to follow...