Saturday, September 1, 2007

Sexy 'Web2.0' Style Star Rating System

Ok, as our system revolves around rating businesses it is no secret that this part of the site needs to be eye catching and easy to use! So I have scoured all the internets and found one that I'm rather impressed with.

Now ours doesn't have to look exactly like the example, I personally think maybe a change in the rollover color would be nice and bigger stars - bigger is better right? The CSS is fairly complex but oh well - it's workable. Here is the link out - CSS Star Rating Redux » Blog » Komodo Media - please leave comments letting me know what you think :) .


Anthony Massingham said...

Looks good! I like it.
Definately have to have a hoopy star rating system, I think that one is good.

Are you making comments compulsary ? Are they going to be screened before uploading ? ie, moderation ? Or are you just going to go with it and moderate if comments get too offensive ( flag certain words, and get an email saying "user12365 said bum, might want to take a look-see" ) ?

A Dekker said...

I think you might be able to theme it, rather than just having stars perhaps?

Maybe little money icons or something, "spend your money here". That may make it more theme'd and give the users a better idea how to rate or read the ratings?

PS. Don't use .biz :P

Tim said...

@a|A - Only a rating is compulsory, you don't have to leave a review. On the screening.... That's something that I have only kind of thought about... It would be awesome to set up something that auto screened but at the moment I don't have the time - so it's just going to be manual screening (won't that take more time :S - prolly but it will be after semester so I will have more time to fix it).

@Mr "don't get seedy popup porn .biz tld's" Dekker ( :P ), that sounds like a good idea and something that we'll more than likely implement. :)