Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Designing The System

So it's time to start the coding process - what do we do and where do we go? Well recently I have been playing with Ruby on Rails on a few home projects (Why? Who knows really - I read about and happy it's meant to make the coding process so I thought, "why not?") and thought it would be cool to try it on a full scale app. So it's a rails app working with RESTful routes (my first REST app).

We're gonna need a few tables within a database (mySQL sounds about as good as many for what we want) - one to look after the users information, one to look after business information and a couple for tagging and rating.

I suppose that I could also throw in some "site map-py / relationship diagrams" in here to show the flow of the web site... But they're in a sketch pad at the moment - so will scan them in later.

For now this is it - next post will be a progress update!

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